星光熠熠的今天 宣布任命 of Alex Moulle-Berteaux from Chief Operating Officer to Chief Executive Officer, 接替Chet Kanojia, 谁从星空公司成立以来一直担任首席执行官.

We sat down with them both to discuss this important transition and what lies ahead for Starry as the company emerges from its Chapter 11 restructuring process. The following interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.

问:你们都是这家公司的联合创始人, but this is a pretty significant leadership transition announcement. Can you tell us why now and what was the thinking behind making this change?

CK: This leadership transition has been more than a year in the making. 当亚历克斯被提升为首席运营官时, it was with the idea that he would eventually evolve and grow into the Chief Executive role. 亚历克斯准备好了. He has proven himself an exceptional leader and now that we’ve got a clear path to exit our restructuring process, 是时候做出改变了.

AMB: 宣布这一消息的时机似乎恰到好处. The last year has been challenging on so many different levels and the company needed to be in a place where we felt comfortable to drive this change. Now that the Court has confirmed our plan of reorganization and we have a clear path forward, 现在进行这种转变是很有意义的.  

CK: 这是正确的. 在个人层面上, it’s also important for me to dedicate more of my time and energy to focusing on my family and leave all of the day-to-day running of the company to Alex. 顺便说一句,这是他非常擅长的.  

Q: The last few months have been challenging, but you’ve continued to operate the company as normal. What does exiting the restructuring really mean for employees and customers? Can you walk us through what the next few months will look like for the company?

AMB: That’s a great question because most people don’t understand what a restructuring process entails. 你是对的, Starry has been operating as normal during the entirety of our restructuring process, 所以从客户的角度来看, our customers shouldn’t have detected any changes in their service or customer experience.

对于我们的员工, 这有点不同, as we’ve had to be somewhat more conservative as we’ve gone through the court process. That meant a laser-focus on our five active markets and the customers and partners we serve there. 好消息是, now that the court has confirmed our plan of reorganization - which sets us on a path to formally exit the court restructuring process sometime this summer - we can start to execute additional plans that will stimulate growth for the business in our existing markets and hopefully, 新的.

但是,不要误解我的意思——我们最近几个月一直很忙! Our teams have made upgrades in our network to add additional capacity and resiliency; we’ve added new speed tiers including gigabit, so that customers can choose what internet service plan works best for their home; we launched wider availability of our WiFi 6 router, Starry Gravity; and we’ve made improvements to our mobile app to make it even easier to get the customer support you need, 快.

接下来的几个月, we’ll continue to focus on products and features that add value for our building partners and enhance the overall customer experience. 敬请期待!

问:亚历克斯,你如何形容你的管理风格? 你如何定义一个好的领导者?

AMB: I’ve been in a variety of different leadership roles throughout my career. I don’t think there’s a singular “AMB way” because I think a good leader, 在很多方面, 适应公司所处的阶段和人们, 让他们发挥出最好的一面. I think my responsibility as a leader is to provide clear guidance on mission and goals and the path I think we need to take to be successful. However, I like when people speak up with new ideas or challenge a conventional line of thinking. If the path I’ve set out to achieve our goals is flawed, I want to hear that and know why.

I would describe myself as being a very collaborative leader - I don’t get caught up in titles or hierarchies, 创意来自每个人, but I do believe in mission alignment and making sure that everyone is rowing in the same direction. 在一天结束的时候, I believe the best kind of leader is someone who can inspire and pull out the best in people and I believe in order to do that, 人们必须感到被赋予了权力, supported and feel aligned with the mission and goals of the company.


问:退一步说. 现在世界上发生了很多事情. 更广泛的经济环境依然动荡不安, with the country just narrowly avoiding a banking and debt ceiling crisis and there are crazy wildfires blanketing the country with smoke, 除此之外. What are the things that keep you up at night and how do you keep people focused on the job at hand?

AMB: 有很多事情让我夜不能寐, but the thing that keeps me centered is focusing on our work at hand. It’s so clear to me what we need to do in order to be successful and continue to grow the company. I have a lot of conviction in the things we need to do in our next phase to continue to strengthen the company. And the thing that will drive our success is remaining insanely focused on the customer experience. That’s what will continue to distinguish us from our ‘Big Internet’ competitors, 谁会消耗和流失客户. If we can delight our customers at every turn, we’ll win the day and grow our business.

My advice to folks would be: tune out the noise as best you can and focus on the things we can control and that’s how we show up to work every day, 准备好工作,准备好发布#快乐极速赛车正规官网开奖网址.

